Product details »
- WiFi Deauther or Jamming.
- Detect WiFi Jammer.
- IR Remote Hack.
- Hidden WiFi Jamming.
- Hack any WiFi using Evil Twin attack.
- Hack any WiFi Using Brute Force Attack.
- Capture WPS Password.
- When WPS password is found, the blue LED blinks for 10 seconds.
- WiFi Range Extender.
- Random Beacon Flood Attack.
- WiFi Admin Panel username and password hack option.
- Capture whitelisted WiFi MAC addresses.
- Auto-detect WiFi Admin Panel option.
- Customize WiFi Admin Panel color option.
- WiFi block bypass.
- Capture whitelisted MAC addresses.
- WiFi MAC filter bypass option.
- Random MAC change option when the flash button is pressed.
- Custom MAC change option.
- Change Black Hat SSID and password option.
- Hide Black Hat SSID option.
- WiFi client mode and access from the router.
- Disable password verification option.
- View connected client list option.
- Identify correct and incorrect WiFi passwords.
- Capture all WiFi passwords.
- Capture WiFi RSSI (signal strength).
- WiFi Extender Admin Panel.
- Change Extender SSID and password option.
- Hide Extender SSID option.
- Auto-change Admin text.
- When the password is found, the blue LED blinks.
- Capture all login logs.
Admin Panel Credential:
Admin IP:
Black Hat SE Password: rootaccess
Congratulations Password: backdoor
Free WiFi Zone Password: blackhat4.0
Extender Admin Panel IP:
price/৳ 2000
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